MichaelHo.com Thursday, June 27, 2024  

The Real "Shock and Awe"

I had my front tooth knocked out back in '02, and no thanks to Alice, she took the only photo that exists of me without my tooth.

For this and many other "shocking" photos, feel free to visit my online photo album.

Wednesday, May 26, 2004

Well, it's the end of May. So what does that mean? The end of the Spring? Start of the Summer? No! It means that somewhere in the hot Nevada desert, big money is waiting to be won at this year's World Series of Poker.

Now, throughout the history of the game, poker has been considered different than other "casino games" because, at least for good players, it does not involve gambling. It is, in fact, considered a skill game. As Matt Damon said in "Rounders", "Why do you think the same five people are always at the final table of the World Series of Poker? Do you really think they're the luckiest five ****** in the world?"

However, in house games across the country, there are millions of players play poker as a luck game more than a skill game. And sure, they may win, too. But, as the law of averages kick in, they will ultimately lose. And in fact, this is why most professional poker players love having these types of people play in tournaments -- it is also why these people are referred to as "Dead Money". Essentially, if they plan on playing based on "luck", they will eventually lose out and their money is dead.

Now, what's interesting to note is that last year's Championship WSOP winner, Chris Moneymaker, is pretty much considered the luckiest fool on earth, because for most of the tournament last year, he was playing based on luck and not skill. He had a series of incredibly lucky draws which allowed him to beat out some of the top players in the world, and eventually, the Championship. But, as I said earlier, the law of averages will catch up with you: this year, he was eliminated in three hours (Haha, of course, I guess with some people, the law kicks in later than earlier).

Now, what's even more interesting to note, is that according to this Newsday article, "Thanks to a poker craze created by TV, the Internet and last year's remarkable storybook victory by a young unknown, a staggering 2,576 people are competing this time for a record $5 million first prize." (Keep in mind that last year saw about 800 entrants)

Could it be possible that if you bombard a skill-based poker tournament with so many luck players (say, 2000 of them), you would reach a "tipping point" of sorts that would basically tip the law of averages onto the side of the luck players? Meaning, if you have such a disparate ratio of luck to skill players, that all the skill players would lose out? It's an interesting theory, and I wonder what all the skill players would say about it.

But better yet, let's see it in practice: after 4 days of the Championship event, 83 players remain. Of those 83, there are only about (at least that I can recognize) 3 famous skill-players that remain. At least year's final table alone, there were at least 3 WSOP Bracelet winners.

The point has been tipped.

And on a related sidenote, Bravo is about to start the second season of "Celebrity Poker Showdown". Among this year's celebrity players is Lauren Graham from "Gilmore Girls".

Combining Poker and Gilmore Girls together!? What more could a "guy" want? Woo hoo!

Oh, and on a totally and completely unrelated side note, Happy 25th Birthday, Amy!

Sunday, May 23, 2004
Intended for... What!?

Uh... yeah. I was recently told of a book written by Christian writers and doctors, that discusses sexuality and relationships. Now, this alone isn't necessarily all that bad. However, the book touts itself as "a complete sex manual for practicing Christians with basic facts, illustrations and candid discussion of all facets of human sexuality."

A Chirstian sex manual complete with illustrations!?!? And the best part... the name of the book is "Intended for Pleasure: Sex Technique and Sexual Fulfillment in Christian Marriage". Ew.

If you click on the above Amazon.com link (c'mon... I know you all already did... :), Amazon actually has some excerpts from the book, including a listing from the Table of Contents. Pay particular attention to the chapter titles for Chapter 5, and Chapters 7 and 8. Ew... EW!

On a not so unrelated sidenote, if anyone wants to, please feel free to borrow a copy from me. I purchased two. ;^)

Monday, May 17, 2004

Well, if you haven't heard already, the big news since my last entry is that I resigned my job (I like saying "resigned"... it sounds so much better than "quit" :) about a month ago. Not so coincidentally, ever since I quit, I haven't updated my blog at all. Hmm... what kind of ironic conclusion can be made from this? Heh heh heh.

Looking back at my tenure at Vertigo over the past 18 months and 9 projects (in order: Quicksilver, Nitro, Underground, Jade, Thor, Grinch, Impulse, Nebula and Punisher), I quickly realized that it is a place with friends and co-workers that I will definitely (and already do) miss. But alas, I do think that it is time for me to move on and to see what God has lined up next in my life. Well, in the spirit of the "Behind the Numbers" from the 2003-2004 Ski Season, I've decided to do it again, this time, with a "Behind the Numbers" of Mike Ho's Tenure at Vertigo Software.

On a not so random sidenote, a few weeks before I became officially unemployed, my roommate was (at that time) unemployed and spent a lot of time bumming around the house. One day, I came home, and he was soooooo excited, because he spent all day illegally downloading all the songs from William Hung's recently released "album". Hmmm, maybe I should reconsider this not working full-time thing...

18 months I was employed by Vertigo Software
396 days of work (approximately, assuming 22 workdays per month)
9 projects I was on during my tenure there
7 successful projects I was on
2 failed projects that I don't believe were my fault
2 failed projects that probably were my fault
8 working hours per day
8 average hours I was at work per day
1 average hours I actually worked per day
1,584 games of Halo played
4 games of Halo won
14 Vertigo poker nites
40 amount won, total, from various poker nites
3 ski trips with Vertigo peeps
1 casino trips with Vertigo peeps
2 casino trips with Vertigo peeps, if you include Monte Carlo Night
12 lunch trips to Best Buy of Pinole
34 lunch trips to the Taco Truck
117 orders of the Deli Salad Sampler eaten from Little Louie's
7 dozen eggs microwaved in the kitchen
792 cans of Diet Coke consumed
4 free pints of Haagen-Dazs Coffee Ice Cream consumed
35 miles driven to get to/from work (round trip, when I was living in SF)
88 miles driven to get to/from work (round trip, while living in Foster City)
20,856 miles driven to get to/from work (total)
25 highway miles per gallon for the 1994 Honda Accord EX 4-Door
4 freeways taken to get to work (92, 880, 80, 580)
7 freeways taken to get home from work if 880 is backed up (580, 80, 6th Street, 280, 101, 380, 280, 92)
44 minutes, fastest time I ever did my commute
92 minutes, slowest time I ever did my commute
1 speeding tickets received during all my commutes
792 amount spent on tolls

Tuesday, April 6, 2004

Library Card On Saturday, I went to the Foster City Library and got myself a library card. This is especially funny when you consider that I don't read.

Anyway, the book I checked out? It's called "The Nudist on the Late Shift". Sounds scandalous, doesn't it? Go ahead... click on the link. You know you're curious... =)

And for those that haven't figured it out yet, my last blog entry was on April Fool's Day. So for those of you who thought I actually asked some random girl out on a date, you definitely got duped.

But on a not so random side note, on Sunday Nicole and I watched Shattered Glass, about one-time The New Republic editor Stephen Glass who duped everyone when he fabricated almost all of his stories while working there. He has since left the journalism profession to become (and this is great)... a lawyer.

He also just came out with a fictional novel called "The Fabulist". I'm actually kinda curious to read it... although I'm sure Nicole would be very upset if I bought the book and supported a man who is such an affront to the journalism profession. Hmm... but I did just get a library card...

Thursday, April 1, 2004
Dating Design Patterns

Only the geeks in the house will truly love this, but there's a really famous book in the CS world called Design Patterns which discusses common patterns used throughout software engineering.

Well, Solveig Haugland, who's known for his book on OpenOffice, came out with Dating Design Patterns, which is:
"a patterns catalog of the original research documenting the underlying principles, patterns, best practices, and refactoring achievable in the complex world of empirical heterogeneous interactions... or dating."

I love it! A geek's guide to dating, written by geeks, for geeks. Doesn't this bring new meaning to the phrase "the blind leading the blind"? =)

My favorites include the diagram as well as the list of Dating Design Patterns that are discussed, including the "Bridge Interpreter" and the "Half Bad Boy Plus Protocol". Definitely check it out.

And on a not so random sidenote, I met a girl at Starbucks on Monday, and I asked her out, so I have a date tonight! Wish me luck!

Wednesday, March 31, 2004
'03 - '04 Season in Review

With the coming of the Spring, and with the next 4-5 weekends booked, I regret to say that this past weekend's Kirkwood trip with Lee and Sophia is probably the last trip I will be taking for the season. :(

So, I think it's time for a "Season in Review". With all the injuries we have seen this year, I think the overwhelming mantra of the year is "Skiing is a Dangerous Sport." (Oh yeah, and a shout out to Will for tearing his ACL back in '96) However, despite all the injuries, this has been definitely one of the most memorable seasons yet, complete with yummy pies, car accidents, the pies, getting lost, really great pies, sunburns, mmm... pies, casino yays and woes, Peach Cobbler pies, Screwy Louie, Dutch Apple pies, Hold'em, oh yeah, and did I mention the Ikedas pies? =)

So, to honor my brethren at ESPN, I give you the "Season Recap" and a "Behind the Numbers" for the 2003-2004 Ski Season:

Date Resort Who Went
Dec 16 Sierra at Tahoe Susan
Dec 19 Sugar Bowl Amy, Jack
Dec 20 Kirkwood Amy
Jan 17 Kirkwood Will, Nancy, Highway Peeps
Jan 24 Kirkwood Cindy, Carol, Amy, Dave
Feb 20 Squaw Valley CMac, Will, Will, Amy
Feb 21 Alpine Meadows Real World Peeps
Mar 20 Squaw Valley Laura, Nancy, Anthony, Mel, Sarah, Intecap Peeps
Mar 27 Kirkwood Lee, Sophia

9 days skied
7 days skied (last year)
2 skiing invitations I actually turned down
0 skiing invitations I've turned down (prior to this year)
1/2 days I went snowboarding
12 minutes it took to realize I don't like snowboarding
3 peeps I had talked about going up with but never did (Mandy, Arthur, Lynn)
5 peeps with at least moderately debilitating ski/snowboarding injuries
2 injuries that required a doctor's or hospital visit
4 hours lost in Mel's memory due to her concussion
182 times Mel asked "Am I still dating Greg?" during those hours
506 total inches received at Kirkwood
44 percentage of my trips that ended up at Kirkwood
281 times that Cory and I talked about going skiing together
1 runs that we actually did together
5 car accidents we saw
2 car accidents we were in
2,200 amount of damages for the car accidents
0 speeding tickets received
3 ski trip speeding tickets received (lifetime)
4 times I thought I was gonna get pulled over
4 times I've actually been pulled over during a ski trip (lifetime)
30+ times I've been pulled over, total (lifetime)
1 times we got lost
3 times we drove through Angels Camp, CA during that time we were lost
4 fortune telling sessions held by Dunbar
2 full games of Screwy Louie played
6 hours of Hold'em played
-4 total winnings in Tahoe-area casinos
3 total winnings in Tahoe-area when you include Hold'em
1 times we ate at a Tahoe-area casino buffet
0 times I plan to eat at a Tahoe-area casino buffet again
8 pies purchased at Ikedas
2 pot pies purchased at Marie Callender's

Thursday, March 25, 2004

So continuing in my "Skiing Really Is a Dangerous Sport" segment, I want to reiterate that it really is. So this season, I've been on trips where people have twisted there ankles, and on another trip Marie tore her ACL and had to get ACL reconstruction surgery. What's strange is that up until this year, I've never been on trips where people have gotten injured, and all the way up until this year, Mandy has been the only one that I personally know of who had any sort of skiing injury. But this year, it's gotten a bit crazy. Is it just because we're all getting old or something?

But anyway, this past weekend at Squaw, Mel had a really nasty spill and actually suffered a concussion. She ended up suffering short-term memory loss, and it was really quite scary. Thank God, but everything ended up ok, and she has regained most of her memories, except Friday night and Saturday morning are still really foggy for her.

But heh, once we realized she was alright, of course we decided to have a bunch of fun with her... oh the things you can do with a friend who is suffering from (thankfully temporary) short-term amnesia... jeez, we're so cruel =). Anyway, ask me some time about the stuff we did... you'll get a kick out of it. I know we did!

And on a not so random sidenote, last night, Mandy and I saw "Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind" about a couple who had their memory erased. It was a really interesting movie... and especially fitting given this past weekend.

Saturday, March 20, 2004
The Late Twenties

Wow. I'm 27 today. Officially in my late-20s. So why do I still feel like a 13 year-old? It was cute, Ellenita sent me a Hallmark card that says "You're 13 today!" So, does Hallmark have a card for everything!? I mean, if I go to Target (oh, I'm sorry, I meant "Tar-Jay"... whatever), will I find cards that say, "Happy 72 1/2 Birthday!" or "Our Condolences on the Loss of Your Neighbor's Cousin's Pet Dog"!?

Haha, I'm already sounding like a bitter old man. =)

Wednesday, March 17, 2004
The Human Calculator

When I was growing up, one of the first infomercials I've ever seen was the one for the Human Calculator. This guy is a total freak, but the geek in me was always impressed with his numerical prowess. I always thought to myself, "Gee, if I can only add and subtract three-digit numbers as fast as he could, girls would flock to me!"

Anyway, he was on Alice Radio this morning, and it was really intriguing to realize that, yikes, this guy is still around. What a freak!

Anyway, what's even more interesting is his theory of how 666 came to represent the devil. Anyway, given his theory that the natural world is basically composed of math and numbers, and given that God created this world, He must have used math and numbers to create this world. So math was man's way of understanding God and His creation. However, the Romans came around and devised this (in)famous system known as the Roman Numeral system, which was purposely made to be complex as a way for the Roman elite to keep this knowledge of math (and thus of God) from commoners. So what's interesting to note is that if you add up the various Roman Numerals together (I = 1, V = 5, X = 10, L = 50, C = 100, D = 500), you get 666.

Interesting, eh? Never mind the fact that this freak completely forgot to include the "M" numeral, which is equal to 1000. So really, if you add up all the numbers, you should really get 1666. Heh heh, oh well. Like they always say -- I guess the devil is in the details. Hardy har har!!! ;^)

Oh, and on a not so random sidenote, I've started studying for the GREs. Seeing as how the correlation between GRE and SAT-I scores are like .8, and seeing how I did half-decently on them, I guess I shouldn't worry too much. But seeing as how I cheated on the SAT-Is, maybe I should worry. :-/

Monday, March 8, 2004
Screwing with Screwy Louie

Last night, when deciding to play either Texas Hold'em or Screwy Louie, we decided to play Screwy Louie, but with a twist... I present to you: "Penny-a-Point" Screwy Louie. Yep, of course that means that you can rename a book of red 3s to "dropping a buck fiddy." Or, when you go out, you can start singing, "Go, shorty, it's your birthday..." (e.g. "50 cent")

On a not so random sidenote, with playing Hold'em on Sat and Penny-a-Point on Sun, it looks like the secession of Foster City has already begun. =)

Friday, March 5, 2004
Dance Marathon

It's been five years since I participated in Northwestern's 30 Hour Dance Marathon. Well, this weekend, starting at 7 p.m. tonight and going until 1 a.m. on Sunday morning, 500 couples are at it again.

This year, they've got a really cool webcast in Real Video format... check it out at www.nudm.org. Ah, the memories. =)

Friday, March 5, 2004
Moment of Silence

A moment of silence as we honor the wrongly convicted. Fight on, Martha, fight on.

"Super" Tuesday, March 2, 2004
Foster City, NV  94404

Today, residents of Killington, VT successfully voted to endorse a plan to secede from the state of Vermont and to join New Hampshire, instead.

Ultimately, this will need to pass the senate of both New Hampshire and Vermont, but if it works, I can't help but wonder what kind of lobbying it would take to have Foster City secede from California and join Nevada.

The Coronado Casino may not be an impossibility after all!

And again, on a not so random sidenote, the World Poker Tour is taping in San Jose's Bay 101 this Friday. Anyone wanna join me?

Friday, February 27, 2004
U Go Girl!

Martha Stewart - 1
DOJ - 0

Of the 5 counts charged against Martha Stewart, the largest one, Securities Fraud, was tossed out today by U.S. District Judge Miriam Goldman Cedarbaum. But she's still not out of the woods yet as there are still 4 counts remaining. Deliberations for them will likely begin late next week.

And on a totally unrelated sidenote (although, not so unrelated as he did work at the DOJ for a number of years), Happy 31st Birthday Jim!

Wednesday, February 25, 2004
The Blogging (Sub)culture of America

(...or at least among the 20-something post-college grad Christians. Hmm... more on that later...) Anyway, I guess I've become fully-absorbed into this blogging subculture, as I'm about to post my first blog talking about someone else's blog. And who would be the lucky chap? =)

So I finally got a nice break from my hectic 15-minute work day, so I spent some time catching up on people's blogs. Ellenita posts on Feb 19: "I miss Chicago. My heart is still there... with everyone that I care so much for." (Keep in mind that after living in Chicagoland for 6 years, she has moved back home to be with her parents and sister in order to focus on studying for grad school and to save money.) Reading through the comments, her sister said: "it's sad that your heart isn't even where your family is." Cracked me up so much that I almost spit out a whole mouthful of Diet Coke onto my monitor.

Tuesday, February 24, 2004

So someone at work sent me this link: http://www.play4traffic.com/game.php. We've all been addicted to it ever since. I was all fine and dandy, too, until Whoopingboy AIMed me saying that Rich got 188. Ugh... and I'm only at 171. So now I've been typing my bootie off (I know, that's not actually physically possible... whatever) trying to catch up. I seriously doubt I'll be able to.

On a not so random sidenote, why is "microprocessor" such a hard word to type!?

Sunday, February 22, 2004

The RW Tahoe Trip was sooooooo much fun! Thanks to everyone who helped out. Photos are up.

Wednesday, February 18, 2004
Walk of Shame

Back in college, people always talked about the "Walk of Shame"... basically, it's when you're caught walking into your own dorm at like 9 AM, wearing something nice or wearing the exact same outfit from yesterday. I don't think I really need to explain any more than that... right? Ok, let's just hope that you get the picture.

Anyway, as I was driving to work this morning, I saw a guy drop off a girl at on of the apt. complexes down the street. All I could do was giggle in my car... heh heh, it's the yuppy/young-adult version of the walk of shame... yeesh, I'm soooo immature.

Tuesday, February 17, 2004
The Good, the Bad, & the Ugly

While there are many, many different sports in the world of collegiate athletics, the two largest ones by far in terms of money, publicity, and media coverage are College Football and Men's College Basketball. Now, Northwestern has never really been known as a NCAA powerhouse, however, I find it quite ironic that since beginning my tenure at Northwestern, all three of the head coaches that have left NU's basketball and football programs have all made major headlines since then, but all in very different, and not necessarily sport-related, fashion. I give you, the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly:

The Good. Seeing as there have been seasons where NU's basketball have won fewer games, and not only that, sometimes score fewer points than our football team, I find it very ironic that a former NU basketball coach would actually become a head coach in the NBA, coaching the Toronto Raptors. Not only that, but coach Kevin O'niell (1997-2000) basically left NU because he and then-athletic director Rick Taylor never really got along. Hmm... thanks Rick.

The Bad. Actually, not bad, but more sad and tragic. Former NU Basketball Coach Ricky Byrdsong (1993-1997) was known for his integrity, strong family- and Christian-values, and dedication to strengthening American families and helping underprivileged youth, and he co-authored "Coaching Your Kids in the Game of Life". So it is most ironic that on July 2, 1999, he was shot and killed by a white supremacist while walking near his home with two of his three children.

The Ugly. And of course the most famous of them all, former NU Foodball Coach Gary Barnett (1992-1998) who abruptly left Northwestern to become the head coach for Colorado, was recently put on leave amid many scandals facing the Colorado football program. His abrupt departure from NU cost the Cats at least one big time recruit -- now-Michigan quarterback John Navarre, who reneged on his oral commitment because of uncertainty about Gary's position with the team. So really, I don't feel sorry for Gary at all.

Tuesday, February 10, 2004
From the "I told you so" column: Report: Atkins Had Heart Disease History. Taken from the article: "Before his death, he had suffered a heart attack, congestive heart failure and hypertension... At 258 pounds, the 6-foot-tall Atkins would have qualified as obese... 'I have been assured by my husband's physicians that my husband's health problems late in life were completely unrelated to his diet or any diet,' said the diet Guru's widow Veronica Atkins." Hmm... really?

Sunday, February 8, 2004
You know, you can't really help but be proud of your musically-talented friends, especially those that have actually produced CDs, are performing, and even have notoriety. So, a quick plug to all the Exodus Worship peeps, and a special shout-out to Benny, who's song "Give You Everything" was played during the Dec 27 Evening Session at Urbana '03. Also, congrats to Kylene and her group, Variasians, who just sang the National Anthem at the Fleet Center during the Celtics vs. Rockets game. Check out and buy both their CDs... they rock! (Although Benny, dude, if you want people to buy your CD, you've gotta stop uploading your own songs onto Kazaa... I mean, it only makes sound business sense to not pirate your own muisc... k? ;^)

Monday, January 26, 2004
This past weekend, the Apple Macintosh turned 20 years-old today. Happy Birthday, Mac! (On a side note, yes, I am such a geek.)

Sunday, January 25, 2004
Skiing is very dangerous... or, at least driving to a ski resort is very dangerous. This past weekend, the Chiu's and some RW peeps went up to Tahoe and both our cars were involved in minor accidents, but on top of that, we drove by three additional accidents as well... all over the course of the 1 hour each-way trip to and from Kirkwood and South Tahoe. Of course, when CHP finally arrived at the site of our accidents, all the guy said was "You all should've been using chains!" and then drove off. Gee, thanks. How helpful.

On a positive sidenote, I finally got a call from my insurance company (21st century) from my rear-end hit-and-run from October. It turned out that the guy who hit me (and then proceeded to physically get out of his car and run away) actually owned the car that he was driving. They confirmed that he was in fact an uninsured motorist, so my insurance company will pay for the damages under UMD coverage. The ironic thing is that b/c they first seemingly gave me such a runaround to cover my claim in the first place, I didn't choose to renew w/ 21st Century (they'll still cover it b/c they were my coverage at the point of the accident), because I thought 21st Century had such poor customer service. I guess it turns out that they do have good customer service, because they followed up on all this, and called me back without my following up with them at all. Haha, oh well.

Friday, January 23, 2004
So jury selection has begun in the Martha Stewart trial. Apparently, this one woman was let go because right before they began questioning, she walked over the Martha and said "I'm your biggest fan... thank you for everything!" Dude... could we be any less obvious?!

Seriously though, I think it would've been such an asset for me to sit in that jurors' bench for Martha... I mean, her core demographic is basically middle-aged, affluent, white married women. Given that, what lawyer in his or her right mind would even think to ask this short, fat, single, Asian (questionably) striaght male software-engineer if there was anything that could affect his impartiality in this trial? No one would've ever suspected me. Muhahaha. Oh well, I guess I should've moved to NY when I had a chance to.

Well, fight on, Martha... fight on.

Tuesday, January 20, 2004
Sad day in Iowa... in true Northwestern style, former Wildcat Dick Gephardt (D), MO finished fourth in the Caucuses. Why does NU always have problems finishing in first? ;) Oh well, I guess it saved me from registering as a Democrat this year... I can continue to be Independent... and I guess I don't just mean politically... hahaha.

Sunday, January 18, 2004
Happy Birthday Ellenita! A whole quarter-century, woo hoo!

Saturday, January 17, 2004
The new online photo album is up! I'll be adding more (backlogged) photos in the "near future", so muhahaha, check back often. ;)

Sunday, January 11, 2004
"Where are all those photos, Mike?" Yep, sorry it's been quiet around here, but I promised myself to first update my slow and ghetto photo album before uploading any more photos... and the new program is almost done... it should all hopefully be posted by the end of the week.

In other news, ohmahgosh... they did come up with a sequel to Bring It On... it's called Bring It On Again. Ha ha! And (I guess not so surprisingly) it's not coming out in theaters... but it's going straight to DVD/Video on Tuesday. Anybody wanna go to Best Buy with me on Tuesday? :)

Wednesday, December 10, 2003
What the heck is going on?!?! So growing up, my dad (who's an obgyn) had always told me that July and August were his busiest months because a higher number of births happen around then... and as I grew older, I realized that this makes sense, b/c it means that a higher number of conceptions happen during the Thanksgiving and Christmas holiday season (e.g., it's colder outside, people are more joyful, maybe even a bit tipsy from holiday parties, uh, yeah -- you get the picture, right? ;)

Well, I never knew that this would be happening to my own friends... I mean, in the past 24 hours, I have now found out that, not just one, but TWO of my friends have just found out that they're pregnant, and both pregnancies were very unexpected.

Crazy, crazy, crazy. Alrighty peeps, no more announcements, ok? I can only handle so much drama at a time. :)

Congrats to the two couples. May God provide His protection to the new children, and pour out His blessings on your new families.

Oh yeah, and on a completely unrelated note, Happy Belated Birthdays to Arthur and to Marie! Hee hee, wow, you guys are getting old! ;)

Thursday, November 27, 2003
As this is my favorite holiday (for the obvious reasons :), I wanted to wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving!!!!

Wednesday, November 5, 2003
"Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow."
It's snowing in Tahoe and Mammoth!!! WHY AM I SITTING IN FRONT OF A COMPUTER RIGHT NOW?!?!
Mammoth Mountain - Opens Tomorrow (today's photo)
Squaw Valley - Opens November 22
Kirkwood - Opens November 22
Heavenly - Opens November 21
Northstar - Opens November 26
Boreal - Opens Friday
Sierra - TBA
Alpine Meadows - TBA
Mt. Rose - Opens Friday
Who's coming with me? :)

Tuesday, October 28, 2003
This is from a korean-american talent show that was down in Pasadena this past weekend -- there's a guy dancing in a red sweater which is just sickening.

Saturday, October 25, 2003
GO CATS!!! Strategery at it's best: Wisc 7, NU 16

Saturday, October 18, 2003, 2:29 AM
So after a full night of Screwy Louis at Slim's, I'm driving Cin back to ALCF to get her car. We were on Willow, and them BAM! (in the full Emeril sense of the word) we get rear-ended. But when I get out of the car to look back, there's no one in the driver's seat. I look around, and I see a guy running away. I mean, I've heard of "hit and run" -- but I never expected that to be taken literally.

But thankfully and luckily, there was a police officer right across the street who saw the entire thing. He dispatched another officer to go look for the runaway driver, while he called in for the perimedics and stuff. After about half hour, they let us go. And they said they'll get in touch with me if they find out more about the runaway.

Fortuantely, Cin and I are ok, a bit sore from whiplash, but fine. The car had no real significant damage (I mean, my rear bumper was already pretty beat up as it is =). The funny thing is I was just telling Vertigo peeps, today, that I was thinking of getting a new bumper and stuff. Heh, glad I waited. =)

Anyway, a potentially bad sitaution ended up going ok. Someone upstairs was definitely watching out for us. Thanks, God.

Thursday, October 16, 2003
The "Friendster Fourth Page". I've now hit a new milestone on Friendster: a fourth page of "friends." Thanks Supergoch - you may be #121 in Friendster, but you'll always be #1 in my heart.

Wednesday, October 15, 2003
"Don't hate the man, hate the curse." --Ellenita
And the curse lives on. :(

Tuesday, October 7, 2003
Tough day today. Painful 11th inning loss by the Cubbies... and I now live in a state governed by the Terminator. Oh well.

Sunday, October 5, 2003
Retreat was a blast! Pictures are online.

Monday, September 8, 2003
For those haven't that heard... it was an, eh, eventful BART ride back from the airport this afternoon. If you haven't heard but are morbidly curious, feel free to ask me what happened, or you can read about it here. Anyway, sadly enough, as we were asked to evacuate the area, it crossed my mind to actually take pictures. I guess it's that Medill in me that rears it's ugly head every once in a while =) Anyway, I called NewsGirlNic to see if the Merc was gonna cover it and to see if they'd be interested in some photos. Oh well, they didn't. Hmm... probably a good thing.

Sunday, September 7, 2003
CONGRATS to TAMMY AND MICHAEL!!!! The wedding was a blast, and it was fun seeing everyone in Chicago! Photos are up.

Wednesday, August 20, 2003
I've hit one of my greatest life milestones: the Centiami mark in Friendster. Hee hee ;^) And the lucky winner of the "Mike Ho's 100th Friendster Friend" contest is... Levy, who wins, eh, well, absolutely nothing. Ha ha -- Congratulations, Levy!

Tuesday, August 19, 2003
Back from the Bahamas! Check out the photos to see more. This is the first set... I'll be putting up more as I get the rest from everyone else.

Tuesday, July 8, 2003
Haha -- still no update on the "construction" -- but I thought I'd share that I cannot believe that she lied to me!
http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&u=/nm/20030708/en_nm/people_spears_dc_4 ;^)

Sunday, June 15, 2003
My ghetto non-blogger blog. So yes, my site is still under construction! But i've actually been recently inspired to maybe start creating something here. (ok, well not really "inspired" -- more just people coming up and saying to me, "Hey mike, are you ever gonna put up a site"?)

So anyway, i figure the first thing to do (since everyone else and their mother has one) is to put up a blog. (which, btw, i seriously doubt everybody's mother has a blog site... i mean, most people I know are in their mid to late 20s, which means that their moms are probably in their mid 50s... and last time i checked, the internet and especially blogging seems to be a younger-persons type activity... um, ok... focus, mike, focus)

So I was checking out other people's blog sites -- and almost everyone else (well, at least the popular ones) usually have these lists of "my other friends' blogsites". Now-realizing that blogging could become quite a popularity contest, I figure that I better have a pretty healthy list of people on my (currently non-existent) blogsite so that I don't look like a virtual wallflower.

So if you've got a blog site, pretend to be my friend and tell me about it, and that way i can add you to my "list of friends with blogsites". Hmm, you probably won't end up getting any add'l traffic because of me, but at least you can feel better in that you have made me look more popular. =)
Your Name:
Your Blog URL: